Free CV maker
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Best free CV templates

resume sample1
resume sample2
resume sample1
resume sample2

What is a CV?

A Curriculum Vitae is simply a summary of your professional and educational history. You can consider a CV as a document that introduces yourself and your capabilities, the purpose of which is to market your skills and experience to a potential employer for the purpose of hiring you.

What do you write in a CV?

The components of a CV can vary slightly. However there are some basic sections that you should include. At a minimum, your resume should include the following sections:

There are some optional sections such as:

How to make a CV online?

There is more than one way to make your own CV, the most popular way is to use ready-made CV templates , you will find many of them on our site that you can download for free and then modify them to suit you, then you can save them in the form of a PDF file to print or send by e-mail.

The easiest way to create a free PDF resume is to use a Free CV Maker like this, all you have to do is answer some questions, describe your work experience and education and then choose a resume template to get your CV ready.

Since the requirements for every job are different, you should use a slightly different resume for each job you apply for. Once you’ve made a resume and written the contents of all its major sections, make small changes in order to tailor it to each job you apply for.